
Seriously cute name to go with a stinking cute little boy!  He was all smiles the whole time.  Mr. Teddy in the last picture is Zayden's little sleep buddy!  He was ready to party once Teddy came in the room to play!


I have a photographer friend who is so courteous to other photographers!  She let me come along wither her for this shoot to get some more practice with Newborns and to learn more about using natural light while shooting indoors!  Check out Catherine's work: Vanilla Tree Photography


Emily and Nate are an amazing couple in IF that shoot together.  They hosted this "After Dark" shoot out so we could practice taking pics with different lights in the dark.  I had a lot of fun at the shoot and met some other fun photographers in the area! I can't tell them thank you enough for this awesome experience!


I took a little trip to Utah and I thought it would be fun to take my friends little cutie out and play around in the beautiful weather for some B-Day pics.  I can't believe she's 3 already!  Crazy!