

Thank you to all the families that came to my Christmas Mini Sessions!  They were so fun and I even got to meet some new people!  These are probably my funnest sessions that I do all year round!


During my Christmas mini sessions this year (and last year) I also took some birthday pics of this handsome little man!


While my friend was in town I borrowed her little girls to be my models to practice some Christmas backdrops.  I had my little cutie hop in for a couple of them as well!  They are good little buddies.  I just wish we lived closer to each other!


Here are a couple pictures of my niece in her blessing dress. She is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen!


Meet Mr. Patriotic!  My brother in law is in the Army so we tried out a few Army poses.  He also fishes and traps beaver.  The beaver pelt Boston is laying on was the first one his daddy caught.